Congratulations To Shao-Foong

FWTS | Congratulations To Shao-Foong-Chong

I am very proud to announce that Shao-Foong Chong has today been awarded his 1st Technician Grade in the Federation Wing Tsun System.

Shao started learning Kung-Fu from me in January 2007. He came to me as an experienced martial artist with a strong background in Kung-Fu, holding Brown Belt ranks in both Choy Li Fut and Wu-Shu Kwan. He also studied Escrima with me, reaching the 8th Student Grade in that discipline too.

Nine-and-a-half years is rather a long time to reach the 1TG rank in FWTS, however this is because Shao is also a qualified medical Doctor, and due to constant exams and a gruelling workload is not always able to find the time to train regularly. Despite this he always manages to book private lessons as often as he can, and attends classes, workshops and events whenever possible.

It just goes to show that if you don’t give up, you will reach your goal – even if it takes you a bit longer that you initially hoped. Well done Shao, your achievement is an inspiration to all those who feel stuck at their current grade. Keep going!

Huge congratulations to you, and now onward to the 2TG training programme of the Journeyman Level.